The Studio Repository

Modified on Fri, 13 Oct, 2023 at 7:08 PM

This is a detailed topic in our support portal in the Using Hopp series and assumes that you have some prior knowledge or experience using Hopp. 

Quick overview

A team collaborating on the mapping in Studio, will share their work via the Studio Repository. Each user works on the mapping by adding, modifying and deleting items in a local workspace. This workspace is simply a folder (with subfolders) on the user's machine, and each item is persisted in an XML file in these folders. 

When a user wants to modify an item, the user must check out the item from the repository. The checkout has these consequences: 

  1. Studio places a lock in the repository, so no other user can check it out
  2. If the user does not have the latest version of the item in the workspace, Studio will automatically fetch the latest version
  3. Before the check out, the item is read-only (disabled) in Studio. But - once checked out - Studio will enable the item, allowing the user to make modifications

Once the user is done with modifying the item (and often other items) the user commits these changes back to the repository. For all the items being committed, Studio will

  1. Save the item back to the repository. This becomes the latest version - previous versions are retained
  2. Remove the lock on each item allowing other users to check them out
  3. In case an item was deleted, the commit will execute the deletion and remove the item from the workspace
  4. Added and modified items are set read-only in Studio (disabled) and cannot be modified unless checked out again

Of course, once there is more than 1 member in the team, it is very common that the workspace become outdated - or stale: Other users have checked in newer versions of items and the workspace does not get updated automatically. Studio will mark stale items. Executing a Get Latest Version from Studio will retrieve the latest version of all stale items.


Modified items are sent back to the Repository via Commits. A commit is a bundle of one or more modified items that as one unit are sent to the repository to create new versions of the items included in the Commit. The commit is treated as one transaction: Either all new versions are committed successfully or none at all.

Some advice on good Commits:

  • Keep commits small. Large commits are difficult to understand and describe
  • Make a commit a consistent change. If for instance you add a new Condition Rule and uses the new rule on a Target Object, commit the new rule and the modified Target Object together
  • Strive to leave the project consistent with each commit. In the example above, avoid committing the new version of the Target Object without committing the new rule as this would leave the project inconsistent


When an item is deleted, the commit of the deleted item simply creates a new version of the item. This new version is marked as deleted.

The figure above illustrates 3 commits:

Commit 1
  • Adds Item A
  • Modifies Item C
Commit 2
  • Modifies Item A
  • Modifies Item C again
Commit 3
  • Modifies Item A again
  • Modifies Item B again
  • Deletes Item C

Commit message

A commit is accompanied by a message to describe the change that is being committed. Good commit messages are essential and should be required for all commits. Indeed, the default setting in the Repository Manager is to require messages on all commits. While it is possible to change this policy to make commit messages optional, it is highly recommended to refrain from doing so. Looking at the version history of a given item is after all vastly more meaningful if each version has a descriptive message.

The commit message should be to the point and accurately describe the commit. It is good practice to use imperative statements to signify what the commit does: Write 'Add account business object' rather than 'Added account business object''.

Reverting a commit

It is possible to revert a commit. This means that Studio will inspect the commit to be reverted, and for each item in the commit, find the version that was previous to the commit being reverted. Studio will then create a new commit to create new versions of the items equal to the previous versions. If the commit being reverted added an item, the new commit will create a delete-marked version for this item.

Commit 1
  • Add Item 1
  • Modifies Item 2 (version 2)
  • Deletes Item 3
Commit 2
(reverts Commit 1)
  • Deletes Item 1
  • Restores Item 2 to version 1 by creating a new version 3 identical to version 1
  • Restores deleted Item 3 by creating a new version 5 identical to version 3

Repository State indicators

Studio marks the repository state as the left-most icons in the project Explorer treeview:

The entire collection of possible indicators is here:

Checked in
The item is checked into the Repository. If you open the item on the Document canvas, it is locked and you cannot modify anything. In order to unlock the item so you can modify it, you must first check it out of the repository.

Checked In, Stale
The item is checked in (as above) but another user has committed a new version of the item so your workspace no longer contains the latest version

Checked out by you
The item is checked out to you, so you - and only you - can modify it. No one else in your team can check this item out while you have it checked out

Checked out by someone else
Another member of your team has checked this item out in order to modify it. If you hover your mouse over the state icon, you will see a tooltip containing the user id of the other team member. As an aside, it can actually also be yourself, if you have opened the same project in a different folder or on another machine and checked the item out there

Checked out by someone else, Stale
Checked out by someone else (as above) but another user has committed a new version of the item so your workspace no longer contains the latest version

You have added this item but not yet checked it in to the Repository. At the moment, only you can see this item - nobody else. If other team members do a Get Latest from the Repository, they will not get this item. Check it in to join the club!

Pending delete
You have deleted the item. The delete is pending, waiting for you to commit your changes to the Repository. Once you commit, the item will disappear

Deleted in Repository
Another user has deleted this item and committed the delete to the Repository. You still have the item locally in your workspace. Delete the item locally or do a Get Latest on the parent on the Project Explorer.

What about git (or others)?

Since each team member is, in fact, using Studio to modify items that are persisted as xml files in a local folder structure, there is nothing blocking the use of git or other source control solutions. However, the XML files produced by Studio are quite complex and ripe with internal references based on internal id's. Resolving eventual merge conflict can be intimidating. 

We take pride that Studio empowers people with knowledge of the business and data involved, and does not require its users to be developers well versed in source control and the complexities involved. This is why the Studio workflow is simple and straightforward as explained above. That being said, git (or others) can easily be brought into play to handle scenarios outside the daily work in Studio.  

Repository actions

There are quite a few actions related to the repository. Many are accessible from the Project Explorer and the Main Menu and Toolbar as shown below. Other actions, such as reverting a commit or undeleting an item are accessible from detail views, more on this further on.  

Project Explorer Context menuMain ToolbarMain Menu


The total list of repository actions is:

Get Latest Version (Recursive)
  • Context Menu
  • Main Toolbar
  • Main Menu
This action recurses the entire sub-tree of the selected item and compares the local workspace version with the latest version in the Repository. If the versions are different, the latest version is fetched from the Repository and saved in the local workspace. Items that have been deleted in the Repository but still exist in the workspace will be deleted from the workspace

  • Context Menu
  • Main Toolbar
  • Main Menu
Displays a dialog to select the items to check out. The dialog displays the entire sub-tree of the selected item to enable the selection of the items to check out.

  • Context Menu
  • Main Toolbar
  • Main Menu
Displays a dialog to select the items to commit. The dialog displays the entire sub-tree of the selected item to enable the selection of the items to include in the commit.  

Undo Checkout
  • Context Menu
  • Main Toolbar
  • Main Menu
Displays a dialog to select the items to undo. The dialog displays the entire sub-tree of the selected item to enable the selection of the items to undo 
View History
  • Context Menu
Opens a new document on the document canvas displaying the version history of the selected item. Here it is possible to compare different versions of the item and revert a given commit

  • Context Menu (Root node only)
This action is only available on the root node (for the entire project). It opens a new document on the document canvas. This document contains 
  • a list of all commits in the project
  • a list of stale items for the current workspace
  • a list of all current check out locks in the project
  • a list of all items that have been deleted in project  
  • a list of (frozen) copies of the project

Compare with latest version
  • Context Menu
If an item is checked out, this action compares the local version with the latest version in the Repository

Add project to Repository Control
  • Main Toolbar
  • Main Menu
Add a locally created, new project to the Repository
Clean up Working Folder
  • Main Menu
Deletes all items in the local workspace and gets latest version of everything from the Repository

Repository Manager
  • Main Menu
Opens a new document on the document canvas with the Repository Manager. The Repository Manager has 3 tabs
  • A list of all projects that exist in the Repository. From this list a project can be deleted
  • A list of deleted projects. From here a project can be un-deleted or purged completely
  • A policy tab. Currently the only policy that can be set is whether to require a message for all commits or make it optional

Pending changes

The Pending Changes tool window lives on the left edge of the Studio window (unless of course you undock it and move it to somewhere else). Hover the mouse over the Pending Changes tab to expand the tool window:

Use the checkboxes in the treeview to compose the commit, write a good commit message and click the Commit button to send the commit off to the Repository.

Item deletion

Deleting an item is a 2-step process:

  1. At first, deleting the item marks it as deleted in Studio and also checks out the item for deletion. It follows that it is not possible to delete an item that is checkout to somebody else 
  2. When you commit, the item is deleted from you workspace and from Studio and the deletion is committed to the Repository.

Deleting an item

User AOther users
  • Has deleted Valueset AccountProducts
  • Studio has placed a Delete Lock on the item in the Repository
  • An Undo Checkout would remove the lock
  • The Valueset AccountProducts is checked out to somebody else
  • Has committed the deletion
  • Studio has deleted the item in the local workspace
  • Studio has removed the delete lock in the Repository
  • Studio has added a new, delete marked version to the Repository
  • The Valueset is now marked as deleted in the Repository
  • A Get Latest Version on the Valuesets folder will delete the Valueset from the local workspace

Deleting a child item in the Target Map

In the Target Map, parent items contains references to all their child items. In order to delete a child item, the parent item must be checked out

User AOther users
  • Has checked out the Business Object Customer  
  • Studio has placed a lock on Business Object Customer in the Repository

  • Business Object Customer is checked out to somebody else
  • Has deleted child Business Object Individual (including Target Object Tgt.IP_Individual) but not yet saved Business Object Customer
  • Studio has removed child Business Object Individual but will restore it if the user chooses to close Customer without saving changes  

  • No change to visual cues in Studio
  • Has now saved Business Object Customer
  • Studio has placed a Delete Lock on all descendant items
  • The delete locks are not visible for this user but will be removed if the users does an Undo Check out
  • The Delete Lock shows up on descendants Individual and Tgt.IP_Individual

  • Has committed the changes to Business Object Customer
  • Studio has removed the locks in the Repository
  • Studio has created a new version in the Repository for Customer without the reference to the Individual child Business Object
  • Studio has created a new delete-marked version for the each of the 2 deleted descendants Individual and Tgt.IP_Indivudual
  • User 1 has completed the modification
  • Since a newer version of Business Object Customer now exists in the Repository, the local version is now marked as Stale
  • The 2 descendants Individual and Tgt.IP_Indivudual are marked as deleted in the Repository
  • A Get Latest Version on the Business Object Customer will get the latest version of the stale item and delete the 2 descendants
  • the other user has now recovered the new change from the Repository

Item Comparison

When an item is committed to the Repository, Studio of course stores the xml document defining the new version. This document is generally quite complex, contains an abundance of internal reference is and and does not lend itself well to comparisons. To accommodate for comparison of item versions, Studio also stores the new item version as a readable string. Contrary to the exact xml representation, this readable string is suitable for comparison.

Item compare is a very versatile tool making it quick and easy to pinpoint the exact differences between 2 versions of the same item. Below and example, where the Severity has been modified on the System Event connected to a flag on a Target Object Condition Rule:

Item History

Select the View History... item from the Project Explorer treeview to open a document on the document canvas displaying the version history for the item.

1The list displays the versions in reverse chronological order

GenerationThe number of the given generation of the item
CommitThe id of the commit that added the version to the Repository
AuthorThe id of the user that committed the version
DateThe time of the commit that added the version
(no header)An  in this column marks a deletion
LocalA marker for the version that corresponds to the local version in the users workspace
MessageThe message describing the commit
LabelAny labels that were tagged to the commit (Labels can be added from the Repository View (select Repository from the context menu on the root node)
2The selected commit is displayed. The commit display shows all the items contained in the commit 
3Compare  two versions. If only one version is selected in the list, the compare will be with the previous version. Select 2
versions to compare these
4Revert the entire commit. This will show a dialog to supply the message for a new commit. The new commit will revert the selected commit:
  • New items the were added by the original commit will be deleted
  • For other items (modified and deleted), the version previous to the commit will be retrieved and store as the newest
5Restore only the selected version of the item
6The commit message can be updated

Project view

Select the Repository... menu item on the root node in the project Explorer to open the Repository View on the document canvas.

History tab

1The list displays all the commits for the project

CommitThe id of the commit that added the version to the Repository
AuthorThe id of the user that committed the version
DateThe time of the commit that added the version
LocalA marker for the version that corresponds to the local version in the users workspace
SizeThe number of item versions in the commit
MessageThe message describing the commit
LabelA labels tagged to the commit. A commit can have only one label. The label signifies the state of the entire project at the point in time of the commit. The label will be visible on all item histories to mark which version was current at the time 
2Displays the selected commit
3Set the Label of the selected commit
4Create a new project copy based on the selected commit. Copies can be used to 'freeze' a given project. For instance if you use your source map to export data to a third party and wish to freeze a copy of your Source Map that corresponds to the data agreed with the third party.
5Roll back the entire project to the point in time signified by the commit. This will create a new commit containing the item versions prior to the selected commit 

News tab

Contains a list of all your stale items = items, where your local version is behind the latest version in the Repository.

Deleted tab

Contains a list of all the items that has been deleted.

Locks tab

Contains a list of all the current locks in the Project. Unlock will remove the lock from the Repository (=force undo checkout on behalf of the user).

Undo...If a lock belongs to the current user, the user can launch the normal Undo Checkout dialog from here
Unlock...If a lock belongs to another user, the current user can delete the lock. Bear in mind, that the original owner of the lock will now have lost the check out of the item, but still have the item unlocked and editable in the local workspace. Thus the original user will be able to modify and save the item locally, but will not be able to check in the local modifications

Copies tab

Contains a list of all the copies of the current project. The purpose of a project copy is to save a frozen state of the project to keep for the duration of a migration that must not be influenced be further development of the project. The typical example is when you use Hopp to export your own data in an off-boarding project. The exported data will at a point be delivered to the receiving party who will begin testing on these data. At that point, your Source Map should be frozen so you don't suddenly deliver data different for the expectations of the receiving party.

It may anyway become necessary to modify the frozen copy (due to requirements in the ongoing off-boarding project). These modifications to the frozen copy are called Drift. The Copies tab will show the drift for a project copy. In some cases it may be necessary to alter the current project, in other cases the drift is very specific to the off-boarding project and should not be taken into account in the current project. 

To mark that the drift of an item has been reviewed, the item drift can be set Handled.

1The list displays the copies of the current project

TitleThe Title of the project
Copied byThe user that created the copy
Copied onThe date the copy was created
From commitThe commit that copy was created from
DriftThe number of items that has drifted in the copy
HandledThe number of handled drift items 

2The list shows the items that has drifted in the selected project copy

NameThe type icon and name of the item that has drifted
(no header) The item was added in the copy
The item was modified in the copy
 The item was deleted in the copy
ByThe user that modified the item
DateThe date of the modification
(no header) if the modification has been handled in the current project.
Hovering the mouse over the check mark will show the comment  

3Compares the latest version of the item in the current project with the latest version of the item in the project copy

4Opens the item in the current project

5Supply a comment to set the modification handled

6Delete the project copy. This only mark the project as deleted. To remove it completely, purge it from the list of deleted
projects in the Repository manager (see below)

7Change the title of the project copy

Repository manager

The repository manager can be found in the Studio main menu in the Repository sub-menu. The manager opens as a document in the document canvas. Use the Repository Manager to delete and purge projects from the Repository and to set Repository policies.

Projects tab

The projects tab lists all the projects in the Repository.

1The list displays all the projects in the Repository

TitleThe project title
TypeThe project type
CreatedThe date the project was added to the repository
ByThe user that added the project
Last modificationThe date of the latest version committed for the project
Copy ofIf a project copy, the project the copy was made from
2Delete the selected project. This removes the project from the Projects tab and adds it to the Deleted Projects tab. Users will
not be able to fetch deleted projects from the Repository  

Deleted Projects tab

The tab list all the deleted projects in the Repository.

1The list displays all the projects in the Repository

TitleThe project title
TypeThe project type
CreatedThe date the project was added to the repository
ByThe user that added the project
Last modificationThe date of the latest version committed for the project
Copy ofIf a project copy, the project the copy was made from
DeletedThe date the project was deleted
ByThe user that deleted the project

2Restore the selected project. This removes the project from the DeletedProjects tab and adds it to the Projects tab

3Purges the project from the Repository. This action is irreversible and cannot be undone. Use with caution!

Policies tab

Set the Commit message policy. It is highly recommended to require a message on all commits.

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